
How to format Pendrive Using Command Prompt

Steup by Steup Guide How to format Pendrive Using Command Prompt

USB flash drives are handy tools for saving and transferring files worldwide. However, they can sometimes run into problems like becoming unreadable or corrupted. When this happens, one effective solution is to use Command Prompt or low-level formatting to fix these issues.

You can format a pendrive using the command prompt (CMD) in Windows. Here are the steps:

  1. Open Command Prompt: Press Win + R, type cmd, and press Enter. Make Sure you logged in as  Administrator in cmd.
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To gain administrative access in Command Prompt, press Ctrl + Shift + Enter. This keyboard shortcut ensures that Command Prompt opens with the necessary privileges to execute commands that may affect system settings or files.


To open Command Prompt with administrative privileges, you can follow these steps:

  1. Press the Windows button on your keyboard to open the Start menu.

  2. Type “cmd” into the search bar.

  3. Right-click on “Command Prompt” in the search results.

  4. Select “Run as administrator” from the context menu.

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2. Identify the Pendrive: Type diskpart and press Enter. Then type list disk and press Enter. This will display all the disks attached to your system. Identify your pendrive by its size.

How to format Pendrive Using Command Prompt

3. Select Pendrive: Type select disk 2 (replace 2 with the number of your pendrive) and press Enter.

How to format Pendrive Using Command Prompt

4. Clean the Disk: Type clean and press Enter. This will remove all partitions and volumes from the selected disk.

5. Create Partition: Type create partition primary and press Enter. This will create a primary partition on the disk.

How to format Pendrive Using Command Prompt

6. Format the Partition: Type format fs=ntfs quick (or format fs=fat32 quick if you prefer FAT32) and press Enter. This process swiftly formats the partition with the NTFS file system

7. Assign a Drive Letter (optional): Type assign and press Enter. This will assign a drive letter to the newly formatted partition.

How to format Pendrive Using Command Prompt

8. Exit Diskpart: Type exit and press Enter.

After these steps, your pendrive should be successfully formatted using the command prompt. Make sure to replace 2 with the correct disk number of your pendrive, and be cautious as this process will erase all data on the pendrive.


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